Monday, July 1, 2019

Intellection Meditation

The thick grass compressed beneath my feet, the heavy dew an indicator of the impending mid-day humidity. My movement startled a solitary doe as she grazed in the meadow. She is a regular here....I have not been in recent months, perhaps even years. The big-eyed deer slowly walked away from me, over the hill to the north. I chose the southern route to avoid disrupting her further. The freshly mowed path led me toward the trees that guard the rocky ravine. They form a boundary of sorts and I followed it around to the west until the pond came into view. I was aware of the breeze on my face and the weight of my footsteps on the earth. Today was the first day of my renewed walking meditation practice. It is what I am calling my "Intellection Meditation".

These walks are not about burning calories or working out. They are about centering my soul and connecting to the energy of nature. It is a time to become aware. It is an opportunity to slow down and see the dew drop on a single blade of grass. It is a chance to let the hundreds of dancing wildflowers and dragonflies catch my attention in the early morning sun. This sacred time is as important to my health as quality sleep and nutritious food.

A few months ago I completed the CliftonStrengths assessment at the nudging of my good friend, Dustin. At the end of the assessment I received my ranking of 34 talents with emphasis on my top five. These are meant to be your focus. You are encouraged to cultivate and develop your top five talents into powerful strengths. My top five strengths are Input, Strategic, Learner, Ideation, and Intellection. This report has changed how I see myself in many positive ways, one of which is my need for solitary time in nature.

The Intellection section of my report states, "You are fascinated by ideas.....You like to think.....You are the kind of person who enjoys your time alone because it is your time for musing and reflection. You are introspective. In a sense you are your own best companion, as you pose yourself questions and try out answers on yourself to see how they sound." Yes!! Those words describe how I feel when I walk the meandering paths of my property. Add in aligned....balanced....peaceful....centered....

Many may consider this slow-paced stroll a waste of time. After all, there isn't a tangible product to present upon completion. Earlier in my life, I walked in nature as a rebellious get away from the restrictions of my life. Now, I walk in nature as an act of acceptance and to become more congruent with who I truly am. Through my Intellection Meditations I find inspiration for creative ventures. I ask myself "Who do I want to be today?" "How do I want to show up today?"

Today I walked past the pond as the dragonflies skimmed the waters surface. I took photos of flowers and seed pods. I practiced syncing my breath with my stride. I considered the possible scenarios of my day. I also considered their solutions. I analyzed my feelings on several life situations and waited to see what answers bubbled up. I shut my eyes and enjoyed the heightened awareness of my other senses. I paused and I pondered. Then I made my way back to the heavy pasture gate ready to make my way through my day. 

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