Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Power of Relaxation - 2

My vacation is in day three and I have become quite accomplished at being schedule free and having accountability to only myself.  However, I noticed something this morning as I sat facing a huge waterfall eating a late breakfast.  Taking a bite of incredibly fluffy pancakes I felt a slight twinge of something.  Was it sadness?  Was it lonliness?  I allowed the feeling to present itself...and soon realized that what I was feeling was the completeness that daily tasks bring to my life.  I love the relaxed schedule I am currently keeping and I have realized how desperately I need to make time for doing nothing.  But I have also realized that when I have time to relax and rejuvenate, I begin to miss those mundane daily tasks that often drive me crazy. 

As I ate my pancakes, I felt a yearning to be in my kitchen mixing the ingredients myself.  I longed to measure the flour...scraping the measuring cup smooth with a knife.  I longed to crack open the egg...challenging myself to do it with one hand...without any shell in the bowl.  I had a desire to pour myself a small glass of milk after measuring out the needed amount for the recipe.  I wanted to see the texture of the batter form in my bowl as I whisked the ingredients together to a smooth, bubbly consistency.  I wanted to search the kitchen for other interesting ingredients to add to the batter...ground flaxseed....walnuts...bananas.  I missed being involved in the process of creating the final product....not just see it on my plate.  

I think this is evidence of another benefit of relaxation.  When we have the opportunity to become quiet, relax fully, and rejuvenate, we find that lost appreciation for our daily lives and the sacredness of the hours that create our days.  It also makes me realize that I do not want to idly sit by and accept my life as it comes to me.  I truly want to be the creator of my mix my life's recipe as I suit my individual tastes and preferences. 

So...tomorrow  I fly back to my everday life...and I do so with a promise to myself to balance my relaxation and down time with a respect for the tasks of my days.  I have also renewed my vow to honor those daily tasks and truly be present in my life...minute by minute.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Power of Relaxation

I am on vacation.  It wasn't a planned trip and it pales in comparison to the original summer trip that I was plannning.  But I think it is exactly the trip that I need right now.  My original destination was Italy.  It was a last minute thought but would include touring many locations on my "bucket list".  But...due to a variety of Italian getaway will have to wait until another time.  Instead...I am enjoying a few days at a beautiful resort in Phoenix, Arizona.  While some people might be disappointed to be in Phoenix following the potential  of Italy....I am not.  This trip has a completely different purpose.  I came here with too much luggage but a very limited agenda.  No historical sites to fit into my paintings or magnificent statues to see...and no "must see" views.  My only agenda is to do what I want...when I want.  I can even change my mind about what I want to do....that is the beauty of this vacation.  I am truly vacating my back home life.  I have left behind the responsibilities that burden me and am focusing on those things that I long to have time for at home.  I am updating my website...studying energy healing...taking exercise classes...and spending alot of time doing nothing. 

There is great value in doing nothing.  Yesterday I laid by the pool listening to the water fall harmoniously from the levels of a nearby water fountain.  As I lay there, my body began to relax and I felt like every part of me was melting into the lounge chair.  When was the last time my body had felt this relaxed?  When had the tension been completely gone from my muscles?  When had my mind been free to wander and wonder wherever and to whatever it wanted?  The answer....too long!

There is tremendous power in relaxation.  It allows our bodies the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate.  It allows our minds the opportunity to clear away unnecessary thoughts and worries.  It gives my spirit a chance to present be seen in the cool shade of a palm tree and be heard in the gurgling of a peaceful fountain.  It offers every aspect of who I am the time needed to release and recreate so that when I head back to my daily life at home I do so with a fresh perspective, a calm mind, and clear vision for my future.  I will head back with renewed energy and a resolve to make time in my life for relaxation.  Not just on vacation...but as a regular part of my day.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Flexibility.  That word holds a variety of meanings and can describe many different things.  Flexible schedules...flexible bodies...flexible attitudes...even flexible garden hoses.  But in the middle of yoga class last night I realized that I can become more flexible when someone else applies a little pressure...if I will simply breath and release my resistance.

The instructor guides the class into Staff Pose then instructs us to inhale....then exhale and lean forward from the hips keeping the back long.  I move my torso forward into Seated Forward Bend...reaching my hands toward my toes.  The tightness in my hamstrings and lower back limit my forward movement but I continue to breath and try to relax into the stretch.  That was when I felt the instructors hands lightly on my back.  She cued my breathing and on my exhalation she applied a firm pressure to my mid back region.  My torso released fingers crept closer to my toes...and the muscles in the back of my legs relaxed slightly.  She released for a breath cycle then repeated the sycronized breath and manual pressure again.  My body released even further forward into the stretch each time she pressed her body weight against long as I did not resist the pressure.

That was when I realized the application of this lesson off the yoga mat.  Outside pressure can increase my flexibility...not physically like in yoga class...but emotionally and psychologically.  I can become more flexible in my attitudes and in my views when I am challenged by the pressure from others.  I do not have to agree with their views or attitudes.  However, when I give up my resistance and judgement and open myself up to their viewpoint, I have the opportunity to stretch my own perspective and hone my own opinions.  I must remain calm...breath...and let go into the moment of experience.  I must be willing to endure the external pressure while releasing and relaxing within.  If I flexibility will increase and I will be able to adapt to the challenges that life brings. 

Friday, July 1, 2011


We all need a place to land...a place that keeps us grounded and nurtures us.  For some of us it is a location such as a house.  But for others it might be a relationship.  Yet for others it is a religious practice.  The important thing is that we discover what or who helps us stay grounded, keeps us centered, boosts our energy and nurtures us.  Then it is crucial that we cultivate that relationship or practice...that we care for and tend to our home.  We must give attention and energy to what supports us.  Not only in the difficult times of life, but in the easy times as well. attention to what and who elevates your energy...inspires you...makes you feel alive and happy.  Then take every step necessary to bring more of that into your life.