Sunday, August 16, 2015

Inspirations of Wanderlust

As with most things in life, my United Kingdom trip was planned through inspiration from others. While I knew I wanted to travel to the UK at an early age, there have been several people who have inspired, encouraged, and mentored me toward taking this traveling plunge. And they have done so without even knowing it.  One person, in particular, has had a powerful impact on my trip. His influence has played a role in everything from inspiration to the specific dates of the trip.

I met Andy Elliott in 2000 when he traveled to the U.S. to coach soccer camps during the summer months. He was only in Perry for a week, but we remained in contact through emails and then social media. To say Andy is an adventurer is an understatement! I have lived vicariously through his trips as he has traveled to Tanzania, scaled mountain peaks, cycled in 100 mile bike races, and traveled around the world….no literally, traveled around the world!

Andy inspired my trip in several ways. First of all, his attitude about travel is refreshing. He seems to dive in to a culture and gets to know the locals. I am adopting that same attitude for my trip. Secondly, Andy is a basic traveler. He doesn’t need a fancy room or a lot of luxuries when he travels. In that way, he and I are definitely kindred spirits. His travels have shown me a way of traveling to which I feel very connected. Andy has also been a wonderful source of information as I planned my trip. He offered advice on accommodations, car rentals, and many other things. But the thing that impacted my trip plans the most was an offer from Andy to take me hiking in Snowdonia in Wales.

When I started planning my trip, I knew I wanted to hike in Snowdonia. The views are breathtaking and every time I saw or read something about its beautiful mountains and valleys, I felt a stir. In one of our first Messenger conversations, I mentioned to Andy that I knew I wanted to hike Snowdonia. He told me that he has taken groups there and offered to do the same for me. I was thrilled! As our conversations continued over the coming months, Andy offered to also be my tour guide for the southern part of England where he lives. It simply doesn’t get any better than that! A local perspective and viewpoint is exactly what I want for this trip.
So…when Andy gave me the dates of his fall break, that was the starting point for planning the trip dates. Everything has revolved around his generous offer to act as my guide and host. Once the dates for staying with Andy were set, it was time to start penciling in my other adventures. The time with Andy will be how I end my trip...a wonderful reunion and the perfect ending!

The other person who has influenced my travel dates in Liam Sweeting. Like Andy, Liam came to Perry to coach our local soccer camp. The year was 2009 and everyone felt an instant connection with the young soccer coach. He simply fit with our community. Liam and I have been in communication about my trip also. I was hoping to schedule a visit with him while in England.  A few years ago, he moved to London...the perfect location for a visit, since I will be flying into London.
This summer, Liam returned to Perry with his fiancé, Daley, as they traveled Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles. Their sense of adventure and easy manner of traveling are another great example for my trip. While they were visiting, we looked at our schedules and the best dates for my London visit. As destiny would have it, Liam is off the weekend after I fly into London. Perfect timing! I want to catch some of the major tourist sights, but I also want the flavor and feel of local London. Liam and Daley have also offered me a place to stay. I am overwhelmingly blessed. Not only is that a great comfort as I get acclimated to the new culture, but it is allowing me to do some other exciting things while I am on my trip.

 There are segments of my trip where I will be traveling solo and venturing out on my own. But it is nice that I am starting and ending my trip in the company of friends. I will fly into London and have a few days with Liam and Daley. Then, I will meet Andy in Liverpool two weeks later as we travel to Wales to hike and southern England to sightsee. I can’t help but smile as I write this blog. This truly is a trip of a lifetime and I am blessed to have friends that are playing such a pivotal role in making it happen.
The countdown is now 52 days! That makes me panic just a little bit...there is still so much to do!






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